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- [Avodah] dmut dyokno March 20, 2025Note to a magid shiur who said that in the workplace one should see dmut yokno shel rabo and ask his advice: Just wanted to note that dmut dyokno kpshuto refers to father who might know his son well and give good advice as well as role modeling. Also, more senior professionals who?ve actually had […]
- [Avodah] A Complete Unknown? March 20, 2025I had the opportunity to take in the Robert Zimmerman/Bob Dylan Movie ?a complete unknown?. (We can discuss going to movies in general, and those with music or inappropriate behavior, off-line) Of course, this experience triggered memories of my misspent youth, although the readers of the audio round up will know that I from time […]
- [Avodah] Asher Nassi YaChaTa March 18, 2025Vayyikra 4:22 - Rashi; Ashrei HaDor SheHaNassi Nosen Leiv LeHavi Chattos Al Sheggagosoi It is a 'lucky' community, whose leader is attentive to bringing a Sin Offering for his inadvertent sin Kal VeChomer SheMisCharet Al ZedonoSov He will certainly regret his deliberate violations What is the KVeChomer A Nassi forgets it is Shabbos, he writes […]
- [Avodah] did Achashverosh have multiple wives? March 16, 2025From: "Arie Folger" Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2025 5:21pm > I see no reason to doubt the obvious custom; they didn't go home, > and they could wait forever for being called once again at the king's > whim. That is the obvious meaning of ki im chafatz bah hamelekh venikrrah > besheim. i think […]
- [Avodah] did Achashverosh have multiple wives? March 16, 2025On Sun, Mar 16, 2025, 22:05 wrote: > i think the common understanding of the status of the ladies after being > sent to the beit hanashim was that either they were either > a) called back to become 'the' queen, > b) or they went home, > c) or (according the gra) they stayed […]
- [Avodah] did Achashverosh have multiple wives? March 16, 2025i think the common understanding of the status of the ladies after being sent to the beit hanashim was that either they were either a) called back to become 'the' queen, b) or they went home, c) or (according the gra) they stayed there forever in limbo bc once test-driven by Achashverosh they could never […]
- [Avodah] did Achashverosh have multiple wives? March 16, 2025RMCohen asked whether Achashverosh had multiple wives. Well, obviously. What was the beit hanashim sheni for? The harem for the many wives! No girl who was test-driven by Achashverosh would ever go free. Either she became queen or concubine. At least that is how kings back then did such business. All the girls but the […]
- [Avodah] standard measures? March 16, 2025On Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 11:22:47AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > Is anyone aware of any surveys of when halacha looks to objective measures > (eg kzait) and when to subjective measures (eg maaleh lugmav)? When we look > at community "standards" (eg most people buy seeds to eat) and when we […]
- [Avodah] Yosef advise pharaoh March 16, 2025On Sun, Mar 02, 2025 at 02:50:12PM +0200, Danny Schoemann via Avodah wrote: > R' Joel Rich asked: > > "Why did Yosef advise pharaoh to plan for the seven years of plenty and > > seven years of famine in a way which would centralize the entire Egyptian > > economy under the pharaoh's […]
- [Avodah] skiplagged.com March 16, 2025On Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 09:15:07AM +0200, Danny Schoemann via Avodah wrote: > > skiplagged you are lying about your destination to get cheaper tickets > > There is a precedent and recommended practice of lying about your > destination to a non-Jew. But... for safety. You would have to show it's allowed when […]