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- [Avodah] one breath? February 13, 2025Check the Kitzur SA in 141:14 He explicitly states that it's wrong for the congregation to pre-say Aseres Bnai Homon. Rather they should be quiet and listen to the Reader. And if the Reader cannot say "it" in a single breath, that's acceptable. Good luck implementing in your local shul. Kol Tuv - Danny
- [Avodah] skiplagged.com February 12, 2025is there any heter to use skiplagged.com[ , ]( https://skiplagged.com/, ) or is it asur bc of gneivas daas?
- [Avodah] tosfot's style February 12, 2025The mishna (beitza 11a) discusses a case of muktzah. Rashi explains it as a case of kli shemilachto lissur, tosfot explains it as a case of muktzah mshum chisaron kis. Tosfot does not mention rashi?s opinion. 1.Does anyone have any information as o how often tosfot argues with rashi and doesn?t quote him? 2.How about […]
- [Avodah] challenges February 12, 2025?Nobody is ever given a challenge that they can?t succeed? is an oft stated hashkafic point. Do you agree? Does it mean that one can always overcome the temptation to sin? Discuss. bsorot tovot Joel Rich
- [Avodah] Teyqu February 12, 2025In Volume 43 Issue 4 of our sister mailing list Areivim, someone wrote: > > To: areivim at lists.aishdas.org > Subject: [Areivim] BDE Rav Elazar Meir Teitz > > As a lurker for many years, when some of the discussions were > intense, I felt there was often a "Tayku" moment when the Tishbi > […]
- [Avodah] one breath? February 9, 2025In Avodah V43n9, RJIR asks: > I was always taught to say them one breath and I was wondering what most folks do? < When I'm a member of the *tzibbur*, I try to do so; when I'm leining w/ *trop*, I cannot :). All the best from *Michael Poppers* * Elizabeth, NJ, USA
- [Avodah] one breath? February 5, 2025In discussing the practice of the congregation of saying the names of Haman?s sons out loud (in the book ?Jewish customs?) , Rabbi Doctor Zvi Ron states that Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch writes that the congregation should follow the Rogatchover Gaon (saying the names in one breath,) it does not appear that anyone is actually careful […]
- [Avodah] Dovid Hamelech had 400 children from yefas toars February 4, 2025Today?s daf Sanhedrin 49 states that Dovid had 400 sons from yefas toars who led his armies to intimidate his enemies. The heter of yefas toar is lo dibra Torah ela kneged yetzer hara. So how do we understand that Dovid had 400 children from yefas toars! Did he have such a great yetzer hara […]
- [Avodah] belief February 3, 2025On Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 05:55:22AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > If I understand correctly, R'EW in the Kovetz Maamarim makes the watchmaker > argument to prove God's existence. He then goes on to say that this is so > obvious that anybody who denies it is doing so because of his […]
- [Avodah] hagba February 3, 2025On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 01:22:45PM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > Any historical sources concerning when (and why) the change in how the > torah scroll was housed (what most people would call ashkenazi vs sfardi) > and how and when hagba/glila was done? Hagbah and Gelilah are described in Mes' Soferim […]