Derashos haRan – Derashah #1, Chaburah #1
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by Micha Berger ·
We begin our exploration of Derashos haRan, an explanation of the fundamentals of the Torah as explicated from texts in the Chumash. (Ran = Rabbeinu Nissim [ben Reuvein], Genoa, Catalonia, 1320-1376. Most famous for his commentary on the Rif’s, Rav Yitzchaq Al-Fasi’s halachic condensation of the gemara, both found in the back of most editions.)
The first derashah explains the beginning of Breishis — from Creation through the change in humankind that came with the expulsion from Gan Eden.
In this chaburah, we get as far as the creation of the elements on day 1, and the Ran’s discussion of the value of compounds beyond that of their components.
The text is available on Sefaria, beginning at