“A Jew lives with the parashah.” First in a series on the week, its days and its ramifications.
The series is based on שערים ללוח העברי by רחמים שר שלום הכהן.
A video of the author giving a shiur is at
The Google Translate version of the the text on the sefer’s page
In 5727, Rabbi Rahamim Sher-Shalom published the small and important book ‘The Basics of the Hebrew Calendar’, which concisely covered the basics of the Hebrew Calendar and brought great benefit to its users; but the expansion of the circle of those interested in the subject and the increase in the level of knowledge of many of them led the author, after 17 years, to compose his great book ‘Shearim to the Hebrew Calendar’ (Netanya 5744).
This book is unique in its appearance – an album edition (x3525 cm!), 235 pages, where each page includes one topic or sub-topic in the clear and precise handwriting of the author [!], including charts and tables – all ‘handmade’! 14 detailed pages in the book (hence its name) that include many chapters on the days of migration, the basics of the calendar (including appointments and postponements), the dates and their times, The day and its parts, the homelands, the periods, comparisons between the Hebrew calendar and the other calendars, and much more.
A complete picture of all the basic knowledge necessary to understand the various topics related to the Hebrew calendar, in clear and simple language, which meets the expectations of every ‘beginner’ – and also the requirements of an ‘advanced’ who wishes to deepen and expand his knowledge on this important subject, which includes a special combination of Torah and wisdom.
The author took into account that not all students of the book want to delve deeper into the set of topics, and therefore included on the second page of each cover a summary of the material presented in the chapter, while in the body of the chapter the topics are presented in detail.
A revised and expanded new edition from 5769. The new edition that came out after 25 years is based on the good old one, with the addition of new pages and parts of pages written this time in printed letters (which highlights throughout the book the additions and changes in the new edition).
The importance of the book ‘Gates to the Hebrew Calendar’ and its usefulness to the learner, researcher and anyone interested in the Jewish calendar cannot be overstated. This is a treasure that deserves to be found in every home.
In discussing the practice of the congregation of saying the names of Haman?s sons out loud (in the book ?Jewish customs?) , Rabbi Doctor Zvi Ron states that Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch writes that the congregation should follow the Rogatchover Gaon (saying the names in one breath,) it does not appear that anyone is actually careful […]
Today?s daf Sanhedrin 49 states that Dovid had 400 sons from yefas toars who led his armies to intimidate his enemies. The heter of yefas toar is lo dibra Torah ela kneged yetzer hara. So how do we understand that Dovid had 400 children from yefas toars! Did he have such a great yetzer hara […]
On Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 05:55:22AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > If I understand correctly, R'EW in the Kovetz Maamarim makes the watchmaker > argument to prove God's existence. He then goes on to say that this is so > obvious that anybody who denies it is doing so because of his […]
On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 01:22:45PM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > Any historical sources concerning when (and why) the change in how the > torah scroll was housed (what most people would call ashkenazi vs sfardi) > and how and when hagba/glila was done? Hagbah and Gelilah are described in Mes' Soferim […]
After learning the first 45+ dapim of Sanhedrin it is patently clear that it?s absolutely impossible to convict anyone of a crime in a Beis din. The rules of evidence and the need for hasraah toch kdei dibbur make it virtually impossible to convict anyone. The Ran in derasha 11 famously writes that there was […]
For any former Elizabeth JEC Bruriah Alumni currently living in Israel We mourn the passing of Harav Elazar Mayer Teitz Z"L (BGSS), husband of Elisheva (SCW 66), father of Avi, Rabbi Eliyahu (YC 84, RIETS 94), Yossie, Shifra Ben Dor and Yael Wachtfogel (SCW 92) and brother of Shulamith Ebner (YUHS 61) Dr. Rivkah Blau […]
On Rosh Chodesh Shevat, we planted two three year old trees in our new yard in EY: a plum tree and a pomegranate tree. They were moved in pots, and planted with the soil. I believe that means they are still considered "three years old". Assuming that the greenhouse's claim that a "three year old […]
On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 06:07:37AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > Question asked of a rabbi who reported the halacha as being that a Jewish > institution could take funds from a non-jew as long as he received honor > for it because in that case there would be no existential reward […]
Question asked of a rabbi who reported the halacha as being that a Jewish institution could take funds from a non-jew as long as he received honor for it because in that case there would be no existential reward granted him. Someone in the audience asked if that?s the case is the same thing true […]
Maaseh shehaya. An oleh said the first bracha and in the middle of the Aliya suffered a digestive track issue and had to leave the Shul. What should have been the proper next steps for the reading and for the brachot once he abandoned the shulchan area? bsorot Tovot Joel Rich