Anyone have any sources concerning the preferability of an individual davener wearing taalit and tfillin when saying slichot if their minyan begins slichot after the earliest time to put them on? I found one article by Rabbi Daniel Mann on the topic but wondering if anyone has other sources? Bsorot Tovot Joel Rich
Had Tamar advised Yehudah as soon as she realised she was pregnant [and submitted the ID that she anyway submitted after she had been condemned to death i.e. abandoned any evidence that may have been used to point to Yehudah being the father] that would have given Yehudah additional options he could have married her […]
1. According to the kabbalistic understanding that the only reason we have multiple pple today is bc we are all just pieces of the soul of Adam Harishon (that need tikun). The original plan was one neshama - Adam Harishon . According to this if he didn't sin - what would be with his children […]
. R' Joel Rich asked: > For minyanim that say slichot after the earliest time for talit > and tefillin, what is the practice (where you daven) as far as > the tzibbur wearing them during slichot? Any explanation for > that practice vs the alternative? I have not noticed any consistent community-wide practice. Some […]
On Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 05:46:23AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > If you were given a white tallit and asked to add an element from scratch > to remind you of tcheilet, what would you do and why? I would re-tie with murex dyed strings. I said it like that, rather than […]
For minyanim that say slichot after the earliest time for talit and tefillin, what is the practice (where you daven) as far as the tzibbur wearing them during slichot? Any explanation for that practice vs the alternative? Bsorot Tovot Joel Rich
. R' Joel Rich asked: > If I understand correctly, R?EW in the Kovetz Maamarim makes > the watchmaker argument to prove God?s existence. He then goes > on to say that this is so obvious that anybody who denies it > is doing so because of his wish to willfully throw off the > […]
R Prof Joshue Berman recently blogged a review of Proc Aaron Kornkohl's work: I was interested. When I was a bachur, RSM zt"l pointed out to me the evolution of only using "asher" - not having a prefix version in Chumash to "sha-" as a prefix in Shofetim or Rus, to "she-" as you […]
The mishna often provides a number of specific case examples and then says zeh haklal. Is the assumption that these were all included in the original mishna? Anyone posit that the klalim were added later? Why sometimes are there no klalim and it''s left to the gemara to figure out what the issue at hand […]