Today’s shiur is dedicated by her parents l’ilui nishmas Aliza Kayla bas Micha Shmuel upon the occasion of her yahrzeit. May the neshama have an aliya.
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daf yomi - sanhedrin at simple reading, the torah death techniques seem very severe (barbaric, horrific), overly painful, etc except for hereg (sword) i know its a gezeras hakasuv, and i know all the standard disclaimers...very rare, maybe only once in 70 years, rare to find a case with 2 aidim with hasraah..etc neverless the […]
If one?s host culture deems a certain action (eg neck bow) as a sign of respect, would a jew be required to do that action when their parent entered the room? Bsorot tovot Joel Rich
In a recent discussion concerning whether a specific rabbi was within the pale of orthodox theology, I wondered what percentage of the rank and file think about theology and what they would define as beyond the pale (or within it, for that matter). Bsorot tovot Joel Rich
R' Joel Rich asked: "Why did Yosef advise pharaoh to plan for the seven years of plenty and > seven years of famine in a way which would centralize the entire Egyptian > economy under the pharaoh's direct control?" > If you read the story as it's written (not how the ganenet tells it) you […]
Thoughts > skiplagged you are lying about your destination to get cheaper tickets There is a precedent and recommended practice of lying about your destination to a non-Jew. > They have sued That's not a real proof... It may be a great example of yelling after Yi'ush. > Chilul Hashem If the amount of […]
R' Marty Bluke via Avodah asked: >> . So how do we understand that Dovid had >> 400 children from yefas toars! Did he have such a great yetzer hara that >> he couldn't control? Reb Sruli Bornstein has a fascinating Reid Bite about this. ( He quoted Rav Reuven Margolies zt"l who proposed […]
thank you you suggest: 1. the airline is only minorly annoyed/dont really care and therefore ok i think the reality is that they are v unhappy about it. they have sued multiple times. they w definitely refuse to sell you the ticket if they knew you were going to skip 2. reducing the chances […]
That?s not what the Gemara says. It says explicitly that they were Dovid?s children. I wish I could paste Hebrew for the exact text. I looked at the major mefarshim on the daf I didn?t see any that said they weren?t Dovids children. On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 5:34?PM Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer wrote: > […]
They weren't his. They were children of yefos to'ar, but he did not sire all of them. Perhaps some of them. YGB On 2/27/2025 6:18 AM, Marty Bluke via Avodah wrote: > On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 1:13PM Micha Berger wrote: >> On Tue, Feb 04, 2025 at 07:53:25AM +0200, Marty Bluke via Avodah […]
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 05:53:39AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > How should we feel about seemingly permanent mutav sheyihiyu shogegin (e.g. > allowing rhythmic table drumming on shabbat according to some authorities.) Is that mutav sheyihyu shogegin? The Rama OC 339:3 then follows with a veyeish omerim (citing Tosafos) that it's […]