The Ninth Century Letter of the Reish Galusa found in the Cairo Genizah. Fascinating!
The series is based on שערים ללוח העברי by רחמים שר שלום הכהן.
A video of the author giving a shiur is at
The Google Translate version of the the text on the sefer’s page
In 5727, Rabbi Rahamim Sher-Shalom published the small and important book ‘The Basics of the Hebrew Calendar’, which concisely covered the basics of the Hebrew Calendar and brought great benefit to its users; but the expansion of the circle of those interested in the subject and the increase in the level of knowledge of many of them led the author, after 17 years, to compose his great book ‘Shearim to the Hebrew Calendar’ (Netanya 5744).
This book is unique in its appearance – an album edition (x3525 cm!), 235 pages, where each page includes one topic or sub-topic in the clear and precise handwriting of the author [!], including charts and tables – all ‘handmade’! 14 detailed pages in the book (hence its name) that include many chapters on the days of migration, the basics of the calendar (including appointments and postponements), the dates and their times, The day and its parts, the homelands, the periods, comparisons between the Hebrew calendar and the other calendars, and much more.
A complete picture of all the basic knowledge necessary to understand the various topics related to the Hebrew calendar, in clear and simple language, which meets the expectations of every ‘beginner’ – and also the requirements of an ‘advanced’ who wishes to deepen and expand his knowledge on this important subject, which includes a special combination of Torah and wisdom.
The author took into account that not all students of the book want to delve deeper into the set of topics, and therefore included on the second page of each cover a summary of the material presented in the chapter, while in the body of the chapter the topics are presented in detail.
A revised and expanded new edition from 5769. The new edition that came out after 25 years is based on the good old one, with the addition of new pages and parts of pages written this time in printed letters (which highlights throughout the book the additions and changes in the new edition).
The importance of the book ‘Gates to the Hebrew Calendar’ and its usefulness to the learner, researcher and anyone interested in the Jewish calendar cannot be overstated. This is a treasure that deserves to be found in every home.
For minyanim that say slichot after the earliest time for talit and tefillin, what is the practice (where you daven) as far as the tzibbur wearing them during slichot? Any explanation for that practice vs the alternative? Bsorot Tovot Joel Rich
. R' Joel Rich asked: > If I understand correctly, R?EW in the Kovetz Maamarim makes > the watchmaker argument to prove God?s existence. He then goes > on to say that this is so obvious that anybody who denies it > is doing so because of his wish to willfully throw off the > […]
R Prof Joshue Berman recently blogged a review of Proc Aaron Kornkohl's work: I was interested. When I was a bachur, RSM zt"l pointed out to me the evolution of only using "asher" - not having a prefix version in Chumash to "sha-" as a prefix in Shofetim or Rus, to "she-" as you […]
The mishna often provides a number of specific case examples and then says zeh haklal. Is the assumption that these were all included in the original mishna? Anyone posit that the klalim were added later? Why sometimes are there no klalim and it''s left to the gemara to figure out what the issue at hand […]
Any historical sources concerning when (and why) the change in how the torah scroll was housed (what most people would call ashkenazi vs sfardi) and how and when hagba/glila was done? bsorot tovot joel rich
If I understand correctly, R?EW in the Kovetz Maamarim makes the watchmaker argument to prove God?s existence. He then goes on to say that this is so obvious that anybody who denies it is doing so because of his wish to willfully throw off the yoke of Heaven. How does this square with your experience? […]
Comment on a shiur: I found your medical ethics class regarding CRISPR and IVF et al very interesting. There?s no doubt in my mind that the micro-halachic issues you discussed (eg the physical risks from certain interventions) are particularly important for individual psak today (even retired actuaries love risk/reward analysis). However, I think the really […]
(Sorry for the misleading title. It was just too fun for me to pass up.) In his column this week (see below), R Daniel Mann addresses the question as to whether the berakhah should be "shehakol nihyeh" or "nihyah". The reason this is a machloqes acharonim has to do with Chazal's non-simple position about the […]
In Avodah V43n1, R' Micha noted: > At the end of Bereishis, the brothers tell Yoseif an outright fabrication. (Given Chazal's assumption that Yaaqov didn't actually say such a thing in an incident that isn't in the chumash.) < We seemingly had a[nother] fabrication in last week's *sedra*: compare what the brothers say in 44:8 […]