Shiurim AishDas Video Shiurim


Arukh haShulchan Yomi (RYGB)
1,548 videos

See Arukh haShulchan Yomi calendar and other tools at !

Daf Gemara
127 videos
Meshech Chochmah (RMB)
24 videos

Shiurim on the Meshech Chokhmah — Rav Meir Simchah haKohein of Dvinsk’s rather philosophical take on something the week’s parashah

Other-Focused Orthodoxy (RMB)
32 videos

Classes about Torah and Mitzvos from the perspective that our central mission is to emulate the Creator and share His Good with others.

Shaarei Yosher (various)
21 videos

The Introduction to the sefer Sha’arei Yosher by Rabbi Shimon Yehudah haKohein Shkop zt”l! In just a few pages, Rav Shimon describes nothing less than our purpose in life, what holiness is, the way to happiness, how to be kind, and more.

Ten Minutes of Zohar - Peshat (RYGB)
72 videos

A daily shiur in the peshat of the Zohar (5-10 min) by R YG Bechhofer

Zelmele's Kloiz
68 videos

Shiurim given in Zelmele’s Kloiz

Recent Shiurim

2,880 videos found
Snow Day Mini-Shiur
Snow Day Mini Shiur on the Chavas Da’as, …
Pirkei Avot: Chapter 1 – Micha Berger
Micha Berger kicks off our free webinar …
Pachad Yitzchok on Purim 6
Ma’amar 6 from the Pachad Yitzchok on Purim
Teshuva Drosho
Divrei Hisorerus for Aseres Yemei Teshuvah
Expanding the Boundaries of Kedushah
A shiur given on Tisha b’Av on expanding the …
Divrei Hisorerus, Aseres Yemei Teshuva
Divrei Hisorerus on Teshuva, given on my …
Marriages of the non-Observant
Audio Only, Shiur at a Meor Foundation Conference
The Meshech Chochmo's Dream
Yerushalmi Sotah 7a on the travels of …
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