Derashos haRan – Derashah #2, Chaburah #3
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by Micha Berger ·
This week’s chaburah the Ran explained how Yaaqov and Eisav were set up to have differences and conflict. We last week we focused on how their birth was miraculous (and how to pray for miracles) and now the Ran is exploring why. The Yaaqov – Eisav conflict plays out three times (a) in the womb, until Yaaqov grabs Eisav’s ankle, (b) in lift, until Yaaqov wins a fight against Eisav’s angel and the two part ways, and (c) throughout the course of the exile that has already been the majority of human history. The earlier iterations teach us much about this exile, and they were set up to disagree even in the womb to indicate as much.
The text is available on Sefaria, beginning at
Derashos haRan is an explanation of the fundamentals of the Torah as explicated from texts in the Chumash. The second derashah addresses parashah Toledos — Yaaqov, Eisav / Edom, antisemitism, and the natures of both prophecy and the future.