> > The name "Yishmael" .... I think it would be quite reasonable for > the Ayin to have a shva, and the Aleph to have a tzere, forming a > compound word: Yish-ma*-el, God-heard. That's the usual way to > construct this kind of name. Betzal-el, Mahalal-el, Nesan-el, > Sh'lumi-el, and many others - […]
. The name "Yishmael" means "G-d heard". I don't even need Rashi for that; Bereshis 16:11 says it explicitly. If so, I think it would be quite reasonable for the Ayin to have a shva, and the Aleph to have a tzere, forming a compound word: Yish-ma*-el, God-heard. That's the usual way to construct this […]
For purposes of a seasonal shehechiyanu, if a fruit is available all year, but in certain seasons the cost is exorbitant, is shehechiyanu still said? bsorot tovot joel rich
R H Schacter and R A Weiss speak of pikuach nefesh as including non-immediate threats to life. Is there a materiality standard or does any decrease in life expectancy qualify? Bsorot tovot Joel Rich
In Phanagoria, Southern Russia. Built 51 CE, meaning, 20 years before the end of Bayis Sheini. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sywsyzvfyg See the pictures. As is usual for the period, the menoros have round arms. But 7 arms, and decorated in what could be kaftor vaferach, implying that in this distant shul, they believed the BHMQ was using a […]
While I cannot attest to any connection with the Six-Day War, I can attest that its being recited at all by the tzibbur is relatively recent. In my yeshiva years, not only was it not said together by shatz and tzibbur, it wasn't said by the tzibbur a
Hello all, I was told by a colleague that, prior to 1967, on Mondays and Thursdays (when *Tachanun *was recited) the *Chazan *would recite both the four *Yehi Ratzons* and *Acheinu*. It was only after the Six Day War that the custom started of having the *Tzibbur *say *Acheinu *out loud, followed by the *Chazan*. […]
approx 6000 short halacha and hashkofa Q & As with Horav Shlomo Miller Shlita (with intro to the Q from R Bartfeld) from [ https://baisdovyosef.com/rabbis-past-questions/ ]( https://baisdovyosef.com/rabbis-past-questions/ ) download here [ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5cskfamwdlccm3zgph92e/RSMiller-RBartfeld-questions-all.xls?rlkey=s5nyy0uk8trpikeogrb0k6sz9&st=j7b5pa57&dl=0 ]( https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5cskfamwdlccm3zgph92e/RSMiller-RBartfeld-questions-all.xls?rlkey=s5nyy0uk8trpikeogrb0k6sz9&st=j7b5pa57&dl=0 )
His answer: ?The Rav had many minhagim of tefillah, some quite unique, and while we follow some in our shul (e.g., my rabbi reinstituted saying all the selichot on YK because that was the Rav?s minhag) we don?t follow many. So, since it is a minhag Yisrael not to duchan during aveilut in chutz la-aretz, […]
Since we?ve been discussing duchaning, simcha, and attempting to reinstitute duchaning every day in chutz la-aretz, I thought that as a kohen I?d add my two bits. First, I never understood the connection between duchaning and simcha as the reason why we don?t duchan in chutz la-aretz on yom tov. My problem was Eretz Yisrael […]