Fundamental stuff about the traditions in Bavel, the order of learning in yeshivos during the epoch of the Tana’im and early Amora’im, and the difference between Tanu Rabbanan and Tanya.
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Daf Yomi recently learned the sugya and I was left with a number of fundamental questions. 1. What is the mechayev for Bnei Noach to keep the 7 mitzvos? We have matan Torah where we accepted the Torah. Where is the equivalent by the Bnei Noach? 2. How are they supposed to know what to […]
On Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 5:42PM Micha Berger wrote: >> 1. The parallel justice system is not described anywhere, not in the >> written Torah and not in the oral Torah. Why not? Do we have any idea what > Tzedeq tzedeq tirdof and other such phrases that become platitudes are > about having […]
On Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 2:49?PM Danny Schoemann via Avodah < avodah at> wrote: > Hmmm... who is the fellow? so you turn pages to the postscript > ( where > he thanks The "Kel Elyon for finishing the work in the year 5311 since > creation". Nice. > > Then he continues […]
On Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 05:32:31PM +0200, Marty Bluke via Avodah wrote: > After learning the first 45+ dapim of Sanhedrin it is patently clear that > it's absolutely impossible to convict anyone of a crime in a Beis din. The > rules of evidence and the need for hasraah toch kdei dibbur make […]
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 05:42:18AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > "Nobody is ever given a challenge that they can't succeed" is an oft stated > hashkafic point. Do you agree? Does it mean that one can always overcome > the temptation to sin? Discuss. People end up in the psych ward. […]
On Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 12:07:53PM +0200, Danny Schoemann via Avodah wrote: > R' Jay F. ("Yaakov") Shachter wrote: >> Teyqu is not an acronym > This is the view brought down in the Tishbi (dictionary) from Eliyohu > Bochur (a.k.a. Elia Levita d. 1549) who goes so far as to call this > […]
Subject was: Was: BDE Rav Elazar Meir Teitz R' Jay F. ("Yaakov") Shachter wrote: > Teyqu is not an acronym. It is an abbreviation, in a local dialect, > of the Aramaic word teyqum, a word cognate to the Hebrew taqum, and it > means "let it stand". This fascinated me enough to do some […]
. from R' Joel Rich: > "Nobody is ever given a challenge that they can't succeed" is > an oft stated hashkafic point. Do you agree? Does it mean that > one can always overcome the temptation to sin? Discuss. Many years ago, I mentioned this maxim to our recently departed listmember, Rav Elazar Mayer […]
Check the Kitzur SA in 141:14 He explicitly states that it's wrong for the congregation to pre-say Aseres Bnai Homon. Rather they should be quiet and listen to the Reader. And if the Reader cannot say "it" in a single breath, that's acceptable. Good luck implementing in your local shul. Kol Tuv - Danny