Introduction to Gevuros Hashem, chaburah #2 (addendum to the Ran’s 3rd Derashah)
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by Micha Berger ·
We are learning the first two introductions to the Maharal’s Gevuros Hashem, as a foil to help us understand some of the positions we saw in Derashos haRan, derashos 1-3. The text can be found at
We saw this week the Maharal’s discussion of the limitations of both chokhmah (wisdom) and nevu’ah (prophecy). Prophecy is experiencsing something. The prophet needs a frame of reference, something comparable to truths we learn through the usual senses. So there are limitations on what can be experienced. And like all experiences, nevu’ah gives us the fact to reason from. Chokhmah allows us to build from those facts to reach conclusions yet further from our experience.
(Recording is only partial.)