Meseches Kalla Rabbasi, part 42, the 8th perek continued

Meseches Kalla Rabbasi, part 42, the 8th perek continued

Tzaddik Chosid, Yashar, and Tushiyah

Meseches Kalla Rabbasi is one of the מסכתות קטנות usually printed at the end of the volume of מסכת עבודה זרה in the standard שסי”ן. We are using Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky זצ”ל’s ביאור, which is similar in style to his ביאור on תלמוד ירושלמי, but we also include on screen the text from Sefaria. It is noteworthy that כלה רבתי is comprised not just of ברייתות, but also of גמרות.

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