Introduction to Gevuros Hashem, chaburah #3 (addendum to the Ran’s 3rd Derashah)
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by Micha Berger ·
We are learning the first two introductions to the Maharal’s Gevuros Hashem, as a foil to help us understand some of the positions we saw in Derashos haRan, derashos 1-3. The text can be found at
We saw this week the Maharal’s discussion of the three fields of esoterica listed in the Mishnah in Chagiga: Maaseh haMerkavah (knowing what is going on beyond this world,) Maaseh Berehis (bringing that into existence as this world), and Sod Arayos — which to the Maharal means the roles of things, how they should combine, and how they shouldn’t combine.