Introduction to Gevuros Hashem, chaburah #4 (addendum to the Ran’s 3rd Derashah)
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by Micha Berger ·
We are learning the first two introductions to the Maharal’s Gevuros Hashem, as a foil to help us understand some of the positions we saw in Derashos haRan, derashos 1-3. The text can be found at
We concluded the Maharal’s first introduction, and his discussion of the limitations of Nevu’ah (prophecy) and Chokhmah (wisdom), and of the three kinds of esoteric knowledge listed in Mishnah Chagiga with a discussion of why they are to remain esoteric.
Then we began the Maharal’s study of how miracles work in the second introduction to Gevuros Hashem.The Maharal begins by stating his objections to the explanations given by the more Philosophically inclined rishonim. In particular the Ralbag, who denies the concept of miracles that actually violate rhe laws of nature, although some of his objections apply to other rishonim with less extreme positions (like the Rambam) as well.