Introduction to Gevuros Hashem, chaburah #5 (addendum to the Ran’s 3rd Derashah)

Introduction to Gevuros Hashem, chaburah #5 (addendum to the Ran’s 3rd Derashah)

We are learning the first two introductions to the Maharal’s Gevuros Hashem, as a foil to help us understand some of the positions we saw in Derashos haRan, derashos 1-3. The text can be found at

We continued out study of the 2nd introduction of Gevuros Hashem, and the Maharal’s objection to more philosophical approached to miracles. In short, if you want to understand miracles, you cannot begin with the givens that apply to science and nature.

The Maharal begins his own explanation of the way miracles work by taking the sun stopping for Yehoshua as an example.

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