Introduction to Gevuros Hashem, chaburah #6 (addendum to the Ran’s 3rd Derashah)
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by Micha Berger ·
We are learning the first two introductions to the Maharal’s Gevuros Hashem, as a foil to help us understand some of the positions we saw in Derashos haRan, derashos 1-3. The text can be found at
The Maharal holds that miracles (nissim) follow their own order. As much as part of the Divine Order and the Divine Plan as the natural order. And the case of the sun standing still at noon and sunset for Yehoshua, these laws apply more to the world as percieved than some objective reality. (Since noon and sunset are local phenomena.) And in fact, miracles happen only to those people who need it while others experience nature. Not as illusions — as different coexisting realities as seen from different frames of reference.